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In the grand dining room, Pierre and Tate were seated at the head table, near the mayor and his wife.

Pierre put on his best clothes for the Christmas day celebration at the Mayor's house, and he brushed Tate's coat until it shimmered. They drove to the party in Pierre's little purple car. As they walked up the path toward the house, the large wooden front doors swung open, and the Mayor himself greeted them. He embraced Pierre, then gently patted Tate on the head. "We have you to thank for Pierre's wonderful cheese," he said with a smile. Tate beamed. "Let me show you to your seats," said the Mayor, and they followed him into the hall.

In the grand dining room, Pierre and Tate were seated at the head table, near the mayor and his wife. The magnificent centerpiece in the center of the room featured - their cheese! It was quite a sight. A delicious dinner was soon served; there were so many courses that Tate lost count. The grand-finale was the cheese, and the Mayor asked Tate if she would cut the first piece. As she did, all the guests cheered, and lifted their glasses in a toast to Pierre the farmer and his small black cat.
