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Tate saw Guillaume sitting near the catnip plants, under a full moon.

Tate found her cousin Guillaume in the farm's herb garden. As she rounded a large rosemary bush, Tate saw him sitting near what was left of this year's catnip crop. Hearing her approach, he opened his large orange eyes.

"Cousin Tate," he exclaimed, "What brings you to Grand Oiseau?"

"I decided to get away from Bric-à-Brac for a while," replied Tate. "Recently, I've been so clumsy and accident-prone - if Pierre weren't so kind, I think he would have sent me packing."

"Well," said Guillaume, "I can hardly imagine that. I'm sure he's missing you as we speak."

"Perhaps," said Tate, sounding unconvinced. "Might I make your evening rounds with you? In the morning, I hope to get back on the barge that brought me here, and continue my journey."

"Certainly," said Guillaume. "Come with me. I always start by checking the stables."
